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Join Us Underwater!

Did you know CORAL was founded by a group of scuba divers? Needless to say, the love for diving is deeply rooted in our team and mission. We're so excited to bring back our diving trips 🎉

Upcoming Trips

Roatan, Honduras

April 6-11, 2025
Join the CORAL team for a land-based dive adventure at Paradise Beach Resort.
  • Enjoy at least 6 dives during your stay, with rental gear included 🤿
  • Explore Roatan's marine wonders, including a site visit to the Roatan Marine Park and Coral Restoration Center 🪸
  • Connect with fellow enthusiasts over daily breakfasts and experience local culture with afternoon presentations on CORAL’s work 🌞
  • Learn about our water quality efforts and the crucial role of the treatment plant, including a visit to the Polos facility 💧
Trip Price: $3,300 
Number of Attendees: 8-16
Deposit Required: $1,000 to secure spot
(30% of total payment is tax-deductible)
Trip Hosts:

Raja Ampat & Halmahera, Indonesia

March 23 - April 3, 2026
Join us on a 12-day, 11-night liveaboard adventure aboard the Damai 2.
  • Dive into the vibrant coral ecosystems of Raja Ampat and Halmahera, with up to 34 dives available 🌊
  • Witness the stunning marine biodiversity, from colorful soft corals to schooling pelagics and majestic manta rays 🐠
  • Learn about context-specific work, both past and present, from Conservation Science Director, Dr. Helen Fox 🌏
  • Connect with other passionate CORAL supporters and gain insights from your expert hosts 🗣️
Number of Attendees: 12
Trip Price: $7,695 - $8,465 per person
Deposit Required: $1,000 to secure spot
(20% of total payment is tax-deductible)
Trip Hosts:

Want More Information?

Interested in learning more about one of our trips? Complete the form below, and we’ll get back to you soon!

Past Trips

Roatan, Honduras

March 30 - April 6, 2024
Join us on The Aggressor, a large live-aboard with multiple vessels around the world 
  • Diving begins Sunday morning and ends Friday around noon when the Aggressor returns to port ⚓️
  • You can expect up to 27 dives (including night dives) over the course of your stay 🤿
  • Three meals a day are served, including dive snacks 🍎
  • CORAL staff will provide an interactive series of education and conservation learning sessions in the evenings 🪸
  • Get to know other scuba divers and CORAL supporters onboard 🤝
Trip Hosts: